

To enable ByteHide Secrets protection in your compilations, you need to associate it with your ByteHide account. This ensures synchronization and streamlines the process for you.

If you haven't obtained your PROJECT TOKEN yet, please retrieve it from the ByteHide panel before proceeding.

How to get my project token

Authentication with ByteHide Secrets Integration

1. Add a new item: JSON file

This JSON file must be added to the same project where you installed ByteHide Secrets Integration:

Add Secrets msbuild api token

2. Name it secrets.config.json

Name the file secrets-config.json

3. Open the recently added .json file and write your project token

  "Name": "My Configuration",
  "ProjectToken": "e34762f8-8ad6-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "Environment": "Develop"

The project token and file structure in your case will differ from the example provided.

Your file should resemble the following:

Edit secrets-config.json

Remember, you can acquire and configure your JSON file:

Get project token

How to get your ByteHide Secrets Integration project token

Secrets Configuration Files

Find out what protections you can apply to your applications

Your project token is a sensitive data, we recommend you to use a secret manager like ByteHide Secrets, so that you do not include this data in your configurations, or files directly.
